Local native plants are adapted to local temperature and rainfall fluctuations. In 2013, the Northern Neck Chapter launched its Go Native Grow Native campaign. Here is a list of sun-loving native annuals and perennials that are well-suited for plantings in gardens of Northern Virginia. It is the first comprehensive reference work on the native and naturalized plants of Virginia, and describes 3,164 plant species or lower taxa in nearly 200 families, accompanied by 1,400 original, captioned, scaled, and botanically accurate illustrations. In mid-spring, paired leaves may hide showy but sparse white flowers. Over 35,000 seeds; Easy to grow; Non-GMO, made in the USA; Attracts pollinators; Covers over 325 sq. In this class, Extension Master Gardener Elaine Mills describes the factors that lead to dry conditions in a garden and the adaptations plants have made to do well in hot, exposed sites, tolerate rain shortages, or survive in dry shade. Find all our resources on plants in this section including the Illustrated Glossary, Invasive Plants and Better Alternative, Tried and True Native Plant Selections for the Mid-Atlantic, Best Bets: Plants for Particular Uses, Vegetables & Herbs, and Weeds. The Problem. Plant Virginia Natives is a collaborative initiative engaging organizations, across Virginia’s coastal zone, piedmont and mountain regions, in state-wide and regional marketing strategies to increase the use and availability of native plants. Under the right circumstances, deer will eat almost anything if they are hungry enough Resources for professionals: native plant lists. Arlington Native Plants & Edibles This guide showcases the attractive variety of plants native to Northern Virginia. Here are some basic tips: Choice of pots: The larger the pot, the less risk there is from deep freezes. Virginia Wildflower Mix - Premium collection of 18 annuals & perennials. Plant NoVA Natives makes using native plants in the Northern Virginia landscape easy and fun, reaching out to homeowners, partnering with garden centers and supporting community leaders. Learn how to add trees on our companion website: Northern Virginia (NOVA) Native Plants Learn about good garden plants for Northern Virginia. Virginia has a humid climate that corresponds to USDA Growing Zones 5a to 8a. 2024 Closed July 2, 3 Apr 20, 2021 · Don’t forget to choose plant species native to your region—and purchase local ecotypes whenever possible. This curated collection includes: Contender Bush Bean; Anne Arundel Muskmelon; Whippoorwill Southern Pea; Hen Dec 4, 2023 · About the Native Plants for Conservation, Restoration, and Landscaping Project. Great plants for forest edges. This native ground cover, common throughout the Mid-Atlantic, carpets the floor of mixed deciduous forests from eastern Canada to Florida. Never collect native plants from the wild as it will deplete natural ecosystems. The Mid-Atlantic Region comprises the states of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia as well as the District of Columbia. Jul 12, 2023 · Virginia Native Range & Growing Zones. They have appealing foliage, flowers and berries that can make your landscape unique, attractive and welcoming, not only for people, but also for local wildlife. It includes the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and its three geological/topographic/climatic regions defined (and illustrated right) in Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed: “(1) the coastal plain, an area with Plant Virginia Natives is a collaborative initiative engaging organizations, across Virginia’s coastal zone, piedmont and mountain regions, in state-wide and regional marketing strategies to increase the use and availability of native plants. Tuesday - Friday 9-2. 90% Annual Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila elegans) Third, they support wildlife, providing shelter and food for native birds and insects, while exotic plants do not. This project is the result of a collaboration between the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Virginia Native Plant Society, and was made possible by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and a NOAA grant from the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Find the best NOVA natives Find the perfect Northern Virginia native for your planting needs. It recommends locally native plants that will not only add beauty to gardens and landscapes, but best support our local ecosystems and food webs. Feb 5, 2023 · This native Virginia perennial thrives in wet or moist alkaline soils, and its native habitat includes wet meadows, mesic forests, and the margins of wet freshwater marshes. Download here. Celandine Poppy Stylophorum diphyllum Among the earliest wildflowers to come up in my yard in April, wood poppies are tough and cold resistant. The problem with non-native plants: Plant in groups – Clumps of flowering plants will attract more pollinators than single plants scattered in the landscape. They provide the pollination needed for the seeds of many of our native species to form. Ceramic pots breathe and improve drainage but can crack in the winter; terra cotta is particularly prone These plants form the primary structure of the living landscape and provide food and shelter for native animal species. Occupying 40 million acres of the continental United States, lawns constitute the largest irrigated “crop” in the country. Apr 22, 2019 · Try looking beyond the old standbys to the new trend in gardening circles: native Virginia plants. based on plant characteristics such as height, moisture, sun/shade, and several others! List of native Virginia evergreens: shrubs, trees, ferns, ground covers, perennials, vines Native groundcovers. Saturdays 11AM-3PM; Sundays 11AM-2PM. Native plant species have evolved within specific regions and been dispersed throughout their range without known human involvement. 6 days ago · The Virginia General Assembly convened January 10, 2024 and several bills were introduced in the Senate and House of Delegates that deal with native and invasive plants. Vaccinium angustifolium is native elsewhere in Virginia. Saturday 9-4. Does your locality require lawn in the hellstrip? Make it native! Few native plants can withstand heavy foot traffic, but some will do fine if only stepped on occasionally. For those who have a lot of room, one strategy to provide needed food pollen from spring to late summer would be to plant native willows, native St. Closed Sunday and Monday. ft. Jun 14, 2019 · Pollinators provide a key service in our ecosystems with their interactions with plants and animals. Type any letters in a plant's name (either scientific or common name) Click on the plant to see its details; Click on search_strong to search for specific characteristics are many varieties of Northern Neck native plants from which to choose. New Year’s Day is the perfect day, to get outside for a stroll and start the New Year off naturally and focused on our native flora and fauna. ♥ Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia: Tried & True Ground Covers This list of plants resistant to deer was compiled based on research from 10 different resources. Why reduce lawn? Turf grass is non-native from Europe. Based on available science, the plants recommended here were found in this region prior to the arrival of the colonists at Jamestown, thus making them native plants. Sometimes referred to as Wild Raisin because of its dark ripe fruit, Possum-haw is the most showy of the native Viburnums with lustrous leaves, multi-colored drupes, and stunning fall foliage. Each seed packet is certified organic and open-pollinated, ensuring authenticity and sustainability. No credit cards - cash and checks only. Home. Native plants form the primary component of the living landscape and provide food and shelter for native animal species. Virginia native plants. In Virginia, it creates a barren environment that offers little to birds and other wildlife. 15. Leave native plants uncut to provide critical habitat for native insects and seeds for birds. Northern Virginia native plants are beautiful. ♥ Virginia Native Plant Society: Native Alternatives to English Ivy. Eastern Rose-mallow starts to develop late in the season and bloom for an extended time in the summer, typically from July to September. They are also often warded off by plants with thorns, and prickly or scented leaves. For example, Pachysandra procumbens is a southern native concentrated in the Allegheny Mountains and Echinacea purpurea, a Mid-Western native commonly cultivated in Virginia, has escaped to establish populations in some parts of NoVA. The goal of campaign is to increase use of native plants in the garden and protect native vegetation in the landscape. Your choice may simply come down to availability, but if all three are available, you could match your choice to those that grow naturally in your area, whether mountain, coastal or piedmont. The Wild Plant Nursery is a unique resource for ecological restoration in the greater Washington, DC, area. Remove winter annual and biennial weeds and invasive bulbs before they go to seed. Results from the campaign can be found here: Final Deliverables FY11 Task 54 Northern VA Native Plant Campaign. " So the most important food source for hummingbirds is native trees, the bigger the better. 6 days ago · • View the Final Report of the Virginia State Working Group which explored options for phasing out the sale and use of invasive plants in Virginia’s horticultural industry, and to promote the sale and use of native plants. Fully ripened fruits, mayapples, are used for preserves and jellies. The conventional landscaping solutions are either to pile on wood mulch or to plant an aggressive plant - such as English ivy, Japanese pachysandra, Vinca, spreading Liriope, or Yellow MGNV has created Tried and True Native Plant Selections for the Mid-Atlantic Fact Sheets for many native ground covers. In addition to publishing regional native plant guides and other multi-media to educate gardeners, regional native plant marketing campaigns are partnering with local and regional providers to promote native plants, such as signage and plant tags to make it easier for customers to identify plants as native to the region. These native Virginia wildflowers grow quickly into tall plants that reach about 2 feet in height; they produce a profusion of bright yellow flowers from early spring through the summer. com: Izel Plants, (410) 989-3721: izelplants. * . Examples of native plants that are very low growing and could even withstand a lawn mower include Pussytoes (Antennaria plantaginifolia), Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens), Stonecrop (Sedum ternatum), Wild Strawberry Plant Virginia Natives is a collaborative initiative engaging organizations, across Virginia’s coastal zone, piedmont and mountain regions, in state-wide and regional marketing strategies to increase the use and availability of native plants. Native plants sold in the VNPS propagation beds at Green Spring Gardens Park, behind the horticulture center. A Guide to Gardening with Southwest Virginia Native Plants is now live and ready to support your planting efforts. Grasses and ferns are not bothered by deer, and taller shrubs and trees can be protected with wire fence-cloth cages until they grow high enough. Once established, they require less watering Virginia native plants. From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the fertile coastal plains, these shrubs play an important role in maintaining the local ecosystem and providing ornamental values. Here is a list of native trees that are well-suited for plantings in gardens of Northern Virginia. If the public demands more local native plants, the supply will become greater and native plants will be easier to find for sale. How to start native seeds in pots. This mimics the way plants grow in the wild with layered canopies and makes for more dramatic and beautiful Common Native Trees of Virginia: Identification Guide (2-page spreads) P00026: Identification book is a favorite of teachers, Scout leaders and outdoor enthusiasts. And no mowing is required! Garden design tips. Start your seeds in November or December so they will have enough time in the cold. Donna Murphy and Laura Beaty shared their experience with growing from seed in the propogation beds of the Virginia Native Plant Society - Potowmack Chapter. To search or browse through the Atlas, use the green menu above, or click on a link below. A more robust plant than Carex pensylvanica, it grows in dense mounded tufts with narrow, deep green, finely-textured leaves which reach a height of 6 to 12 inches and a spread of 12 to 18 inches. Ferns, grasses, and sedges are generally avoided by deer. The berries are smaller than the Highbush Blueberry. Another great reason to choose native plants is they are less maintenance and more cost-efficient than non-native plants. Open April 2 - November 2nd. There are native shrubs for every growing condition. Read more VINE: Wisteria frutescens (American Wisteria) Vine – climber, twiner, and liana by another name This seed packet contains six native Virginia wildflowers species that support pollinators and other wildlife like songbirds. Shrubs are the go-to plants for landscapers. John’s Wort, Virginia Rose and Carolina Rose. The light pink, purple, or white flowers of Swamp Milkweed will attract various species of native bees and butterflies to your garden. No insecticides – Insecticides have the potential to poison or kill pollinators. ♥ The Humane Gardener: Dracula’s Garden: 3 Great Groundcovers. Here is a list of native grasses that are well-suited for plantings in gardens of Northern Virginia. The Northern Virginia native plants featured here were selected because they are attractive, relatively easy to find, easy to maintain, and offer many benefits to wildlife and the environment. Here is a list of native shrubs that are well-suited for plantings in gardens of Northern Virginia. The first step is to assign the bills to committees, then to subcommittees. Don’t plant near Eastern Red Cedar. org: Mid A “hedge” is a row of plants that marks off an area. Forest edges often come with deer. Native shrubs fill important ecological functions, providing berries and shelter for birds (which nest at a variety of heights), and host plants for numerous insects. Lycophytes & Pteridophytes The regional guide, Piedmont Native Plants: A Guide for Landscapers and Gardens, produced by the Plant Northern Piedmont Natives partnership tells the story of Piedmont native plants. Native Plants for Steep Slopes and Erosion Control By gripping the soil with their more extensive roots, certain native plants can do a better job at erosion control than turf grass, especially in shade areas where grass grows poorly. Here is a list of Virginia native plants that are very attractive to pollinators and are well-suited for plantings in gardens. Autumn 2024 Native Plant Sales Closed July and August, reopens September. RELATED: 39 Rabbit Resistant Plants to grow in Virginia! Tried and True Native Plant Selections for the Mid-Atlantic Print Version (Legal Size): Hydrangea arborescens (Wild or Smooth Hydrangea). Plants native to Virginia’s Northern Neck are those that Virginia Piedmont Native Plant Database. 90% Lance Leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) 11. Wild Hydrangea is a fast-growing, deciduous shrub with large handsome leaves and large flower heads comprising dozens of florets. Prepare your pots, which could be long trays. Fairfax County, Virginia - Several new initiatives have sprung up to promote the use of native plants: a northern Virginia native plant campaign, a new online version of a well-loved native plant guide and a statewide campaign to plant more plants. Virginia Coastal Plain WHAT ARE NATIVE PLANTS? Native species evolved within specific regions and dispersed throughout their range without known human involvement. Third, they support wildlife, providing shelter and food for native birds and insects, while exotic plants do not. Serviceberry (Amelanchier species) - Small trees. Across Virginia, there is a huge demand for native seeds to restore and revegetate degraded land, from VDOT roadside revegetation projects and plantings on utility-scal solar farms to privately owned wildflower meadows, grassland restoration projects, and native forage paddocks for grazing. Lowbush Blueberry (Vaccinium pallidum) is native to Northern Virginia but hard to find for sale. Support our campaign to reverse the decline of native plants and wildlife in Northern Virginia with a tax Like other milkweeds in Virginia, the blooms are clusters of smaller flowers. Help support our mission to save declining local species. Native plants are historic to the region, help give us a sense of place, and are an important part of our local ecosystem. These plants form the primary structure of the living landscape and provide food and shelter for native animal species. The workshop is for professionals in the landscaping industry, including landscape designers, landscape architects, crews, growers, nurseries, landscape maintenance, property Indulge in the flavors and rich history of Virginia and the Appalachians with this specially priced collection featuring 12 varieties. Plants that live together in Small Stream Floodplain Forest communities are the obvious choice for any relatively flat areas next to streams at the bottom of a slope. 88% Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) 11. Native oak trees support the most species of caterpillars - over 500. * There the soil is deepest and most fertile, but because it is sometimes saturated with water, it is prone to low oxygen conditions that most upland plants cannot to Mar 8, 2018 · Carex appalachica is native to dry woods of eastern North America from Ontario and Quebec to Georgia. Posted On Mar 2, 2020 9:22:00 AM by Douglass Delano. Landscaping, plant information. Native plants show a sense of place. Virginia Native Plant Society * Virginia Native Plant Society Potowmack Chapter: First Wednesday of each month, 10 am to 1 pm, April through October. All three local species can be multi stemmed, but Downy and Allegheny serviceberries are usually taller trees, up to 40 feet in the wild with a narrow crown, whereas Canada Serviceberry is Feb 10, 2023 · Virginia is a state with an abundance of natural beauty, which is reflected in the wide variety of native shrubs that thrive in its different landscapes. What kind of light does your garden have? Before choosing plants for your property, be sure to know the amount of direct sun light each location will receive over the course of a day and over the course of the growing season – May through September – because the sun’s position in the sky changes and nearby tall objects – manmade structures, trees, shrubs – can obscure the sun at . If your property includes a wetland, such as a permanent or intermittent stream or river, or a pond or a lake, or a swamp or a marsh, it is important to protect water quality by providing a buffer of native plants between the wetland and any developed area including mown lawn. May 1, 2024 · Frogs, turtles, butterflies, bats and fireflies are a few examples of wildlife in Virginia that depend on native plants. 2 days ago · The Virginia Native Plant Society selected American Wisteria as Wildflower of the Year for 2021. Learn if a plant is right plant for your landscape based on the beauty, main characteristics and attributes, ease of care, and seasonal interest of these wonderful plant varieties. Native plants co-evolved with native animals over MGNV has created Tried and True Native Plant Selections for the Mid-Atlantic Fact Sheets for many native perennials. Jul 12, 2024 · The Fifth Annual Northern Virginia Native Plants for Landscape Professionals Conference will be held in August 2023 in Fairfax at the Merrifield Garden Center, Fair Oaks. The shrub is indigenous to low woods, swamps, and bogs throughout the region. Asclepias native to Virginia. Established in 2001 in Springfield, Virginia, under an agreement with the Fairfax County Park Authority, the nursery is the region's most comprehensive source of local, wild native-plant material (“local ecotypes”). Deer deterrents may be needed, depending on the plant and the location. The annuals in your seed mix will establish fairly quickly, while the perennial plants may take a few years to really get established. The first layer and foundation of native plant landscaping, providing a natural cover below the plants that rise above them in the middle and upper layers that make up a landscape inspired by Virginia’s natural plant communities. Protecting our water. Book features descriptions, line drawings, and an identification key to the most common native Virginia trees. Bare ground in a garden is an invitation to weeds and erosion. “During a Native Plant Day at the store, sales more than doubled what they had anticipated,” says Janet Pawlukiewicz, formerly with the Northern Neck Chapter, Virginia Native Plant Society, and now championing the use of natives in the Hampton Roads region. Native plants not only offer practical, cost effective, environmental benefits over non-native plants but many provide an appealing display of foliage and flowers that surpass non-native ornamentals. When you buy Virginia native plants, you help local wildlife to thrive. The Guide is also available for free throughout SWVA at many libraries, state parks and more. By appointment only, and only for a full case of 40 guides, pickup is available at the office of the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District - 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 905, Fairfax, VA. Properly established and maintained, they will provide you with years of enjoyment. This is the best time of year to remove invasive shrubs and vines. Use the search bar if you know the Common or Scientific name of the plant. Hummingbirds need native trees!! The more foliage on your native plants, the more caterpillars they "grow. 1-19-2022 • The 2022 Research Grant Application Period is now open. Native bees only live for a week or two, so timing is crucial. Here is a list of native vines that are well-suited for plantings in gardens of Northern Virginia. VA native milkweed species. Seasonal availability of milkweed plants: Butterfly milkweed, A sclepias tuberosa (cultivator) Swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata "soul mate" In November of 2012, the Flora of Virginia was released. Free hard copies will be available at New River Chapter VNPS meetings. Serviceberries. If the ground is not frozen, root out invasive grasses and groundcovers. Where to find Virginia Native Plants. Most of the state experiences Zones 6a to 7b. Mid-atlantic & Virginia native plant resource lists: Virginia Native Plant Society: Nursery List Penn State Extension: Plant Sources for Mid-Atlantic Native Plants: 2022, 2021 Mar 2, 2020 · The Best Native Plants For Northern Virginia. Christ Church Fall Garden & Native Plant Sale Christ Church, Fairfax Station VA Christ Church, Fairfax Station: Saturday, October 19, 2024 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Shenandoah Chapter Fall Native Plant & Seed Swap & Sale Oakdale Park, Bridgewater Virginia Shenandoah Chapter Third, they support wildlife, providing shelter and food for native birds and insects, while exotic plants do not. Welcome to the Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora. Like its Latin epithet, its single, vegetative leaves are peltate (umbrella-like). Promoting native plants in Northern Virginia. Hummingbird Hill Native Plant Nursery: Charlottesville, VA (434) 939-7296: hummingbirdhillnatives. Northern Virginia native plants are easier to maintain and save time and money. For more information about this project, click on the Go Native Grow Native logo on the right. Plant NOVA Trees is a five-year campaign in Northern Virginia to preserve and plant more native trees to support the local ecosystem, mitigate climate change and protect our waterways from stormwater runoff. What kind of light does your garden have? Before choosing plants for your property, be sure to know the amount of direct sun light each location will receive over the course of a day and over the course of the growing season – May through September – because the sun’s position in the sky changes and nearby tall objects – manmade structures, trees, shrubs – can obscure the sun at Pesticide-free Native Plants for Northern Virginia. If you haven’t jumped on the native plant trend, what are you We do recommend a few plants that can flourish in our area, but are native elsewhere in the United States. Most of the plants in the Native Plants for Northern Virginia guide can bloom in a pot, and probably overwinter if conditions are right. Some native plants take well to shearing and pruning for size and shape (see below), but you will of course save yourself work if you choose plants that grow to the right size without any need for pruning. com: Lady Fern’s Native Plants: Norfolk, VA (757) 678-6041: LaLa's Garden: Palmyra, VA (434) 760-2351: Meadowview Biological Research Station: Woodford, VA (804) 633-4336: pitcherplant. A number of years ago the Northern Neck (NN) Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society began a New Year’s Day Walk at Hickory Hollow Natural Area Preserve in Lancaster County. Deer overpopulation, habit, and age also determine what deer eat. Homeowners often wonder which plants will be best suited to the soil conditions in their landscapes. Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) - Tree. Natives return year after year without needing fertilizers, pesticides, extra watering or mowing. There are many native species unique to this region. The goals of the campaign are to introduce local residents to the wide variety of beautiful plants that are native to Northern Virginia and encourage local businesses to promote and sell more native plants. Plants are, in many cases, utterly dependent on pollinators for their reproduction and spread. It’s also a host plant for monarch butterfly caterpillars. A small area in the Blue Ridge Mountains encounters Zone 5, while the eastern coastal tip of Virginia experiences Zone 8a. dv uf rc lo rd vl ws km jb ot