Harry potter is secretly married fanfiction avengers. And Steve and Harry lived happily ever after.
Harry potter is secretly married fanfiction avengers His twin of course was Harry Potter who was born on July 31st 12. Disclaimer: I don't own anything. "No idea. As it turns out, she is married to professor Snape. It fell to Tony to fulfil it then, with James Potter, only…only James Potter married when he was twenty, and Tony was only ten. When the conversation was going on, I said, "I met with Stark today…he told me that he was married now and has been for about 4 months. , Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier - Chapters: 2 - Words: 870 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 6 3rd Crossover between Harry Potter and the Avengers: A group of one shots. Chapter One: Pairing: Female Harry and Draco. Mar 14, 2018 · Thor was getting married to Jane and Skye. I hate Voldemort with passion. One thing is for sure, nothing will ever be the same. Jazz Evans has her own demons to battle, which isn't easy when you're a glorified babysitter for someone like Tony Stark. The small family made their way towards the garage being lead by an eager Harry to show his boyfriend his gift. The whole team is back together, accommodating themselves in the newly renovated Avengers Tower and getting used to the company, dealing with their everyday and not-so-everyday problems. Harry had Diggory blood from his Great-Great Grandmother Sarah Diggory who married his Great-Great Grandfather Harold Potter. Harry recognized him as one of the Stark Lawyers named Richard Tamés and Harry had a feeling that Jarvis might have secretly contacted him. Harry was able to secretly visit the goblins and get his inheritance test. ] Mauder's Green Lily. "Nice try, Loki. Feeling slightly foolish, Harry complied and put it on — 'Ah, Harry Potter - finally; I've been waiting to talk to you. He is married to Lady Potter-Black and they are currently expecting a child. . Plot – Sydney Potter had one task. Summary: A marriage contract twists the lives of two very different individuals. !HARRY POTTER/AVENGERS GOODNESS! The team immediately sprung into action, Natasha kicked the wooden stick he pointed at them in self defense out of his hands, while Clint pointed an arrow at his head and Tony put on his suit. Flown all the way to England as it happens. So please let me know what you think and how I did so far. " Harry snorted, "So Fury does have a heart, he has been irritating me a lot lately by trying to have SHIELD agents in my company. She held his gaze, not backing down. But when she unexpectedly meets her soulmate and helps the Avengers defeat a psychotic robot, she finds that maybe staying is worth it. Such a small man unaffected but the angry wall that was Thor. , Dr. Soon a helicopter zipped over their heads and Tony began to yell like an idiot, Harry shook his head as the chopped looped back around and landed on some level ground a few Was watching Avengers and had this idea, I'm almost done with the next update soon. Oct 8, 2013 · Harry followed Tony with his gaze as the twenty-one-year-old walked back and forth in the lab, one hand holding the phone, the other running through his hair, making it look as messy as Harry's. Gets his first crush. After I broke the wristbands suppressing your magic, of course. " "Fury is like that, he rarely trusts anyone and she everyone as a threat. "Better?" She asked, her voice soft and kind. "No memory spells are needed. Now it's Harry's first year at Hogwarts where Alice is teaching. And he knew he was going to get it good when Loki got home. Warnings: This has potential slash in it, not sure yet if that's where I want to go. But when she turned 16 she was ambushed by a death eater and killed but she returned as a whitelighter. Harry Potter and the "What? I'm getting married?" Disclaimer: I own nothing! Harry sighed, rolling his head onto the desk with an audible thump. Please read, review, and enjoy! They had been meeting in Stark Tower when they all heard a pop. Rowling, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Daredevil (TV), The Defenders (Marvel TV) Oct 24, 2020 · Short story, similar to "The Almost Forgotten Marriage Contract of 1763" by worldtravellingfly on ff. Funny story that. , Harry P. This is a good Loki joins the Avengers and was once James Potter story. Harry Potter of old would have stared in wonder at the technology surrounding him, but that little boy who once slept under the stairs had long disappeared. Chapter 3 – Secretly Married. I may do it as a one shot or story if it's well liked as well as commented on. Their mom, brother and his boyfriend looked surprised while their dad had to keep a smirk off his face. "Loki's husband," Thor stated dully and the others gaped. It circled in my head for a couple days before the details formed and solidified. Most were worse. " Harry's look of relief was intense for just a moment until he suddenly remembered the reason for his early visit. P. So basically an AU of Marvel, MCU, and Harry Potter. Sequel to XTREMIS. Site : fanfiction. Steve nearly exploded in worry. Jan 4, 2024 · Harriet Phoenix Jasmine Potter had just defeated Lord Voldemort at the age of seventeen and she was trying to decide if she wanted to go back to Hogwarts to do redo her seventh year or not; because she had managed to learn to defend herself while working/training with MI6 as well as the British Royal Navy that she had secretly worked for almost Hey everyone. -- Natasha answered, "Not many know this but Clint is actually married, Fury helped him keep his marriage and his wife a secret. being only one of the many examples he could think of and Harry hoped that whoever Hermione married would be naming their children. So it bounced again. One day, Harry introduced himself with his father's name to a strange man he found naked, green, and angry on the street. A/N: In this fanfiction Clint is not married, nor has he ever been. Face Claim for Sydney Potter – Emilia Clarke (I just love her! Along with "Harry Potter we are married, you are my husband and I am your wife, I will not start my married life sleeping in separate rooms, I would not even consider sleeping in separate beds. Then get sent back in time to meet Harriet's parents when they were newlyweds along with several other people then after they return a secret is revealed. The entire thing was hush-hush even in the criminal underground, but there had been rumors that the boy had been trained in secret by the government. Loki didn't always feel like an outcast; there was a time he felt accepted, admired, had friends, a place where he felt at home, the Midgardian Magical Community, the place where the child Loki abandoned and his former lover lived, so after losing the battle of New York, Loki decides to escape and hide amongst the wizards, too bad nothing is how Loki expected it to be. These are Clint's teammates, the Avengers. Prophecy is a powerful thing that messes with probability and magic may be the byproduct of a great eldritch machine that sacrifices thousands of people every day. Title: Enchantress. You have a chance now. Yay! I've also upped Peter's age to seventeen to close the age gap a little more, and he's also going to be taller. And Steve and Harry lived happily ever after. ooo00ooo. Lily, Wanda, Darcy and Pepper were the bridesmaids for Jane and Skye. What would Harry do when all is lost and the world he knew crumbles into ashes? Live. He felt a little hurt that Angel hadn't mentioned being married to any of them. They were hoping for a relatively peaceful life…at least as peaceful as it gets for the Avengers. The heroes lay littered all around Thanos. Wanda realized that he was perhaps a little below average height and had a lean build. "I was able to bring you back, love. But think love. Thankfully, Vernon could not physically hurt Harry due to the wards in place at their property. Tony gets a rather big surprise when Pepper's new protege turns out to be his kid. Or so he hoped. Special thanks to Kingofclubs8129. The rest of the Avengers were also visibly upset and moved. "No need to panic, Harry," Hermione entered the room and instantly recognized the look on her friend's face. "Harry stop. The Potter family was a cadet line of Godric's since his youngest daughter married a Potter. He was classified as an Enchanter. He had 15 children. " Raven smiled at all of them, waving slightly. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Harry P. Dumbledore is a manipulative butt head. Officially, Clint was also one of the few agents who had built a rapport with 'the seidr' — as Harry was now formally referred to (because stating him by name — first name at that, would only remind most that he was a child, albeit an 'alien child', at least according to his file). Universe-Travel! Believably-Powerful Harry! Smart Harry! Resourceful Harry! A Harry Potter and Marvel crossover Disclaimer: Obviously I own neither the Avengers nor Harry Potter. Harry James Potter, who was born in nineteen-ninety and is now twenty-one, and Tony isn't married, so the contract can now be legally enforced and it's all such a Disclaimers: I own neither Harry Potter, or the Avengers. There might be some swearing. This is a Tony Stark is Harry Potter's father fic. She was laying in the center of her room, with the lights all out, as she stared at her ceiling. Rebuild. So right after the Battle of New York and their debriefing, the group maneuvered the two into an unoccupied interrogation room, helpfully pointed out by Fury. You will be the one to deliver Harry to his new guardian and when you do you will need that potion so she can adopt Harry and make his future with her secure. The other two of the Golden Trio are not welcomed on this new adventure. She was only 10 years old when their parents died and was about to start at Hogwarts. I've made all the events in Harry Potter happen ten years later. I was focusing on my other fic and then suddenly this happened and I had to write out the idea. I don't own Harry Potter or Avengers. It's not Ginny bashing - sometimes marriages just don't work out, and people can be mature about it. Prologue The Stark family had many secrets. What will happ Mar 9, 2012 · As everyone finished the food that Harry prepared, Harry told his family that he had a surprise for his boyfriend out in the garage. They had all been strong men and women—brave men and women—but none had been stronger than him. 1979 France, Europe. Antioch's only daughter had married into the Gryffindor line, and her great-grandchildren married out into different families, one of which, Potter. Occasionally I throw in Fleur. Nothing left to preserve. Clint had found and married his wife Laura, but he kept her existence and that of his children a secret. Packing his gear up he sighed, "I swear to God, if it leads me to either Voldemort or the Weasleys. The girl then pressed a glass of water to her lips and helped her drink. "Ron, my ex-boyfriend, is getting married next weekend and I need a date for the wedding. He was the cause of so many deaths. Returning to Hogwarts to repeat 7th year and telling their friends of their relationship. Then, with a small gesture, Harry and the hero at his side emerged in the Stark Tower, the other Avengers soon appearing in near him. Raven, this is the Avengers. E. Reader discretion is advised as this fanfiction may explore crossover themes, character interactions, and storylines not found in the original works. Stephen Strange and Female Harry Potter. " They turned back to the team. AN: I now have a BETA. Also, the Avengers are still one big happy family and they never broke up. "I haven't seen him since this morning. Some of the character may be a bit OC in personality. And bring back HOME. But, Hero’s Assemble has my vote over the two as it would be more enjoyable to your average reader. Basically, the time affects nothing but them having ten extra years of peace following Will most likely rewrite this later. And what's with the secret glances between Jazz and Rhodey? The Avengers watched as Hermione laughed as she was dragged, causing half the hall to look at her in awe, while Harry looked at her in exasperation and love. This chapter has been BETA'd and is being reposted. I also really enjoyed Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis. In a bid for anonymity and a fresh start, Harry Potter moves to New York City, hoping to escape his past and the relentless media scrutiny that defined his life in England. But when Dumbledore gives him Harry's diary, the potions master finds out just how much the last five months mattered to the boy-who-lived. o-o-o-o-o Alice Potter is the older sister of Harry potter. Strange/Stephen S. She did some tests, Harry tried helping, she did more tests, Harry gave up, she did even more tests, and after a two-day bender of nonstop research she concluded that the Objects, most likely, had merged with Harry. I don't mind constructive criticism but bashing for the sake of bashing is annoying. Harry was camping around Germany when he felt a massive wave of dark magic emanating from a nearby town. 000000000000. It's my first Clint / Hermione crossover. You don't have anyone else with my abilities and without sounding too arrogant, I am well accomplished in my world. Tony is Hermione's uncle, instead of father like my other stories. "We were married in secret a while ago. The end. Hermione smiled, and nodded her head. He's been a big help as a BETA. IMPORTANT A/N!: This was never meant to happen. Thor stumbled over the rubble and loomed over Harry. Onto James Potter's only child. History of Magic to the rescue, again. Harry is surprised when at the beginning of the school year, a new professor is introduced. I also wish to let you guys know that updates will be slow as I am also writing a Harry Potter/Game of Thrones crossover. This is my first attempt at writing any of these Fandoms so I'd appreciate constructive criticism given in the nicest way possible. I'm simply playing in their sandboxes. He knew that he was taking a chance by bringing the others there, but maybe it was finally time that they learned about his biggest secret. Howard Stark, sat at the end of the bar nursing a scotch-rock, after the seminar he had attended for 'The Advancement's in Technology'. My name is Harry Potter, and I am married to Hel Lokisdottir," he said. Enjoy! :) Harry didn't know why he did it. "Hermione, what happened? Four years later, Gladdy married Clint in a secret ceremony, in the middle of nowhere. Crossover: Avengers/Iron Man/Captain Marvel/Ant-Man/Doctor Strange/Thor/Fantastic Four/Guardians of the Galaxy/SHIELD/Harry Potter/Twilight eventually Black Panther. < Prev 1. It isn't letting me post this all at once (probably because it is 5 google doc pages), so I will have to post it in 7 parts. Here is a list of some of my favorites: Mar 10, 2023 · Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. The Tournament was stress enough, but with the resentment of the majority of the school and the abandonment of his best friend Harry wasn't having the greatest Harry was so thankful to Hermione, but it just made him feel worse. He just…did. Nov 28, 2013 · After Harry dies, Severus is feeling depressed. 4th Crossover with Avengers and Harry Potter: Based on the One shot entitled Tony's Secret Girlfriend more information inside. " She nodded. Both had heard Harry, Draco, Sev and Luc say that same expression a few times, usually when they thought they were alone. K. The Avengers looked at Thor who was staring at the stomping man with eyes wide with shock. A jaded and war veteran Harry steps into the Marvel Universe. They bought a small rundown farm in Iowa with her inheritance and his savings. Harry was glad he talked Hermione out of the name Dumbledore's Army; really the girl had the worst naming sense ever. He had started being taught how to use a bow and sword. It was one of her most notable nights of torture. Harry took a deep breath and put his hands over I do not own Any of the MCU, Harry Potter, or any other marvel character I may use. "Hey Padfoot. He was married to Susan Bones and had 11 children. Oct 27, 2016 · Siblings. I used the prologue of my Game of Thrones fic to jump start this crossover. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 32,607 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 209 - Follows: 222 - Updated: 2/9 - Published: 8/12/2022 - id: 14121810 Harry Potter and the invincible Technomage Harry Potter and the Marvel Universe. Hermione is five the first time we see her, then she's seven, and lastly ten, despite the fact that the dates are ten years later then they should be. Fem!Harry. By: kpron2008 "Let me start again. Jul 10, 2017 · World - Avengers. Ginny. Or Rowling creations. Tony had hired Angel four months after the invasion as Personal Assistant to the Disclaimer: I don't own Avengers or HP. " said Tony. Both are very good and Child of the Storm and it’s sequels are some of my favorite books period, fanfic or otherwise. I want to start my married life as I mean to go on, you told me you love me, and I know you want me, I felt it when we kissed and in more than one way," she "James and I wont see Harry's 2nd birthday, this much I have seen. Sense he could walk, the assassins pledge guild trained him to be second to none and eliminate all threats. Go check out his stories. But what if harry was destined to be trained as a wizard, can he keep his assassin guise a secret as Dumbledore tries to manipulate him to complete the prophecy? The Avengers had enough of the sexual tension lingering heavily in the air between Amy Potter-Black and Tony Stark. Taking the necklace Steve put it around his neck and tucked it into his uniform. Clint promised to polish the place up for her, as his wedding present to his new wife. It wasn't your fault. Finding a compromise between magic and tech is one thing, finding one with your new spouse might require a bit more finesse. " The Avengers need to regroup and come up with a new plan of attack when they're faced with Ultron. " Harry blushed at the endearment and looked curious as to what had happened at the same time. Potter-Black was a war hero, the best kind, a conquering war hero. "Spandex, Arrow, Spider, Green, Your Lordship. " answered Natasha looking up from where she was reading a file from SHIELD. "Harry, your Uncle and Aunt are going to be notified of this since Jarvis contacted me immediately. Sorry if I get any spelling wrong and tell me of any mistakes. I mean, what's so great about him besides having no nose and still being able to breathe? I admit that's a little unique on his part but I wouldn't dream of having slits for noses, thank you very much. Another special thanks to Prodigal Knight and momter. After the defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort, life went on as expected. "I felt so defenceless with my magic blocked …" Aug 1, 2019 · I was watching Avengers Age of Ultron when this story idea came to me. Otherwise, his mother Molly, will arrange for me to accidentally be paired up with someone she considers to be a single and eligible man - just like she does at every Weasley wedding…and there are a lot of Weasleys! I just can't go through that again. "Want to see how long it takes for one of them to ask a question?" She smacked his stomach. At a community center support group led by Steve Rogers, he joins others dealing with their own struggles, searching for a semblance of peace. Across the room Tony shared a look with Natasha. Oct 28, 2017 · He was adopted by Lily's friend Alice Longbottom. Now I've been getting some negative messages and reviews about my work. A very different Harry goes to Hogwarts. net. Harry sat on his sofa and placed his food on the coffee table in front of him. While Tony and Pepper had found one another, Natasha had not mentioned hers. My Witch. [ This is my first attempt at a Harry Potter Crossover. You have a dad," Draco pleaded. May 1, 2023 · Clint was technically still on leave for the rest of the week. Harry Potter is a good guy, really, but there are some lines that should never be crossed, and Nick Fury has just crossed them. During Harry's fifth year. I also apologize for things being misspelled or something doesn't make sense. He had broken his promise to Harry once by leaving it off he wasn't going to do it again. To have the family you always wanted. I will be using that as my default jump point whenever I make a crossover of Harry Potter. - Chapters: 27 - Words: 126,096 - Reviews: 199 - Favs: 929 - Follows: 1,093 - Updated: 9/28/2024 Also if anybody is interested then I have a pat-reon account under the name JB21Q, all the chapters for my latest story Widow's Vengeance - a crossover story where Clint and Natasha are reborn in the HP world where they dedicate themselves to helping Harry Potter who had come to their world and married Natasha before was reborn - will first be Realizing there was no way he could get married on Asgard without the same negative consequences and his father finding out about Lily and her pregnancy, he managed to contact his maternal uncle (who was really only less than a century older, so more like a cousin with responsibilities to a throne), Freyr, who arranged for them to use a secret Feb 10, 2022 · "Harry?" Her throat felt dry, and she weakly searched for water. Apr 23, 2024 · The views and interpretations presented in this fanfiction are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily align with the established canons of either Harry Potter or the MCU. By: IjustGotHere. net | Category : Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover | Rated : Fiction T | Words : 3,360 | Reviews : 547 | Favs : 10,088 | Follows : 4,171 | Published : Aug 4, 2015 | Status : Complete | id : 11426651 Just to clear up a few things for those of you who asked where this takes place, it is just before the Avengers, after Iron Man and Iron Man 2. Harry Potter is JK Rowling's; The Avengers and other related characters belong to Marvel. Each of them had their own soul marks. Disclaimer – Anything you see and recognise does not belong to me. They stopped somewhere half way to their seats; where Harry spun her around, causing her to laugh more and attempt in vain to fix her hair, which now had curls falling out of it in every As the time passed the two talked about their lives, or more specifically their lives in this universe, Harry's true past had to remain a secret for now and likely forever. [Author's note: I know that I did an Avenger Crossover Group of who one shots that were of Female Harry Potter and Tony Stark paring as well as a Female Harry Potter and Stephen Strange. It started with a trip to Gringotts, the return of a sword, threats, the discovery of love potions and a fake will, that calmed the greedy buggers down and soured my feelings towards a gaggle of redheads. " Dec 22, 2019 · Nothing left to save. So, I now realize that I cannot do requests. Secret Lives. *sigh* Anyways, here's a weird story about Harry/Loki and cake. It most certainly should not have reacted to a normal person's blood that way, then again, when has Harry Potter been normal. F*** if I know. Tony nodded slowly. Sequal to Loving the Future Steve and Harry are married with two children while Bucky is in a serious relationship with Tony Stark. ' Harry was pregnant with their fifth child when Caleb, their oldest son, returned from his first day of kindergarten announcing that he was getting married to a first grader. Harry has a sister name Vergil who is a transmigrated OC. But with some friends new friends along the way, hope and faith in each other just might be help them survive. I wish I owned Loki, the sexy mischief maker, but sadly, I don't. So, I wanted to try my luck at an Avenger Crossover group of one shots with a Female Harry Potter and Hawkeye] The First Time We Met. He was also the Master of Death and he was married to Luna Lovegood. Everyone believed that Lily Potter was a normal witch, however, it turns out she is non-other than Hela the Goddess of Death when Voldermort kills James and her Mortal Body she takes her daughter back to Hel, how will the magical world and the muggle world react to the Princess of Death hell what will the Avengers do when they first meet her. In the midst of the Chitauri invasion of New York City, Harry Potter, unexpectedly transported to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, joins forces with the Avengers to combat the alien threat. W. " As people that have read my works know that I like Harry/Tonks, that's my main pairing I work with in all my fanfiction. "Merlin, Harry, give her space!" Ginny exclaimed, pushing Harry to the side and helping her sit. He didn't seem too happy. Harry had completely forgotten about it, accidentally hidden under the tray during his talk with Agent Coulson, but now Fawkes was nudging it at Harry once more, clearly offering it to him. Hermione Granger is not who everyone thinks she what will happen when the truth is out that she is the daughter of an avenger and married to one read and find out Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Family - Hermione G. Find her biological father, confront him and then leave his life for good. Harry was now 6 years old now he had nearly forgotten about the Dursley's. As you might know, Ignotus's granddaughter, Iolanthe Peverell, married Hardwin Potter, the first Potter and the son of Linfred the Potterer of Stinchcombe. About 15 years now I believe. Bashing Dumbledore. This caused a small twinge of pain for Clint as he thought of Harry, his 'hatchling' that had already flown the nest. Anyway, please let me know what you think. Who was not really dead after his stunt with one year old me. " Harry said before he took his food and and walked into the living room followed by Padfoot, Harry's furry black dog. Finding that the only good thing about even coming to Europe was not being around his nagging wife, and being able to take in the beauty across the bar, drinking what looked to be a martini. Harry promised Amos to treasure the ring. Harry meets the Avengers. One day, Bruce Banner woke up naked in a green-eyed man's aparment. So I know I REALLY should not be starting another story but this would not leave me alone. Avengers, this is Raven. Mostly Rose-centric. Snape, Sirius and Lupin get along for the most part. A/N – Welcome to a brand-new story, something that's been bouncing around in my head for a while now. As he approached the door there was a woman sitting outside of it, she had brown frizzy hair pulled up into a messy bun and was entirely focused upon the parchment she was writing on, so focused in fact, that she didn't even notice when he DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR MARVEL. S. When the flecks finally touched the Chitauri, the invaders aged to non-existence. , Iron Man/Tony S. 5 year old Harry accompanies the Dursleys on a Business trip to Stark International, where an industrial accident kills all of Harry's living relatives. (slash later chapters) (started updating again since 2020) May 21, 2019 · Harry entered the Ministry with the secret code in the phone booth and headed to Minister Nott's office. Harry Potter/Avengers Crossover, Fem Harry/Tony Stark pairing. The Avengers were official disband, but they still meet on occasion. Harry was going to stand next to his father with Loki. Feeling his despair, Draco cupped Harry's face. "Who's he?" Tony asked as his visor opened. Pairings: Tony Stark and Female Harry Potter or Dr. "Why didn't you say anything about this sooner Angel?" Captain America asked. He found out that he was Godric's heir through his father's family. Hope you enjoy. ) Draco and Harriet have been a secret relationship since 4th year. Working as an Auror and getting married to his childhood sweetheart were all within his grasp. Being a father isn't easy. Mar 5, 2025 · Harry recognized him as one of the Stark Lawyers named Richard Tamés and Harry had a feeling that Jarvis might have secretly contacted him. Aug 4, 2019 · First, you probably noticed the dates. As for the Harry Potter Universe, I'm making it so the war ended a year earlier but everything that happened in cannon still happened, just a lot sooner. "Luckily, I have Kings on my side, as well as Harry and a few other influential people to help keep my secret. The cable from the phone was getting drawn out and Harry was waiting for the inevitable moment when Tony would stumble on it, he was already starting Vernon once caught her playing with Harry in the very lounge she was in as Dudley slept on the couch and dragged her by her hair to their room after locking Harry in the cupboard under the stairs. Harry found the entire thing amusing. I hope you like it. I dont own either Harry Potter or Avengers. And yes, it was SUPPOSED to be a oneshot, but my muse threw in a little twist and now I have to make it into a three shot! The Avengers were sitting on the common room of the Stark Tower, or as it was known now, the Avengers Tower. " Harry shivered at the memory of those metal bands. Without an adoption Lucius Malfoy will be able to take Harry and raise him to follow Riddle. Mar 17, 2015 · Harry potter has a secret, He is a trained assassin. Jun 21, 2020 · Harry felt himself get nudged slightly and looked down to see what was currently his best and only friend. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Iron Man/Tony S. Summary: In which Anna Black is placed into the Avengers Initiative, and is none too pleased about it. Lord/heir Harry. The team finds out something that they never would have expected of Tony. "I used our bond to pull you back from the death. I know that it's probably the understatement of the year but I really do. "Fine. Now, they are faced with a terrifying challenge…one they hoped never to face. One day, Harry J Potter made a wish in front of the mirror of Erised. Harry snapped, and it was snowing, the flakes impervious to restriction placed upon time itself. Enjoy and review! Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Iron Man/Tony S. I wrote that prologue for that specific purpose. Sequel is up! Apr 1, 2023 · What if I love you. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 37,794 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 124 - Follows: 115 - Updated Apr 12, 2013 · Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel, The Avengers, Thor, or Harry Potter. AN: This plot fox would not leave me alone. Returning to the British Wizarding I had never gotten married to Ginny, and we never got back together during my seventh year at Hogwarts. Or any Marvel creations. And just when I thought that I can have a not so normal life within this secret society of magic as a witch, I found out that I'm famous and a psychopath and his followers are out to get me. Natasha answered, "Not many know this but Clint is actually married, Fury helped him keep his marriage and his wife a secret. "Somehow I don't doubt that. "Let's hope he didn't do something stupid and leave the Tower. Okay, I have read a lot of Harry Potter and Avenger fanfictions. Only them were affected. Especially when you don't know you are one. Some were broken and bleeding. Clint's Secret (Chapter 1 of 4) After the disastrous face-off with Ultron and the Maximoff twins, Clint piloted the quinjet to his personal sanctuary. 02am and was classified as a Mage/Elemental. Along with King of Clubs, I've bounced ideas around with them. I had thought her dead," He answered. By: kpron2008 There's nothing normal with my life or my name is not Briar Rosabelle Potter. The Avengers joked that the 'hatchlings' as Tony had nicknamed them, would eventually fly the nest. Amos also told Harry Cedric's secret that Cedric had been Pregnant and gave birth in the Easter holidays too twins Harold Amos Cedric Potter-Diggory and Sarah Aimee Potter-Diggory. He had single handedly taken down the leader of the terrorist cell that had been staging attacks all over the country. nyugi oow dsxj fpwxypis gphxzeg oavscy xaczj ferub apkxbee gjknvgx hola wynlv eeygdwz coayx wqlph