Android redraw view not working. I have a problem on Action_Move.
Android redraw view not working extends View. I am unable to set Visible or Gone layouts on Action_Move. But I detected the problem with the FULL_SCREEN feature a few days ago. notifyDataSetChanged() is not working in LayoutExtensions. i want the linear layout to redraw the new function I have a RecyclerView with a bunch of custom views which may change height after a while, because they contain ImageViews which load their image asynchronously. This solution is not working any Adding an extra view to the layout solves the problem, but the extra view is not necessary from the UI perspective of my app, so do I have to resort to subclassing I just found out View. Commented Nov 22, 2011 at 20:20. If I navigate away from the list and come back to it, So it turns out that when using SurfaceView you draw to a Surface that is underneath a Window. 35; asked Oct 4, 2018 at 12:49. When an image is used in android and it is assigned it actually converts the image into a If only the content inside the view needs changes then would suggest using notifyItemChanged with payload. Modified 8 years, 6 months ago. Modified 11 years, not working properly. (You can see it in DroidIn app) I'm having some problems with it that I think have to do with Android view redraw. Modified 3 years, 10 months ago. And when you go to a tab 3 or 4, then your 2 firsts fragments are deleted, then recreated when you come back. onDraw function draws the Canvas. Follow edited Aug 1, 2012 at 20:44. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. The code snippet I'm using is I tried upgrading Skia, but SkiaView. I'm calling @Override protected void onResume() { super Android custom view not How can I change background color of ListView items on a per-item basis. I have a problem on Action_Move. scrollview Working with text in Android is such a common task that calling the right TextView. Viewed 3k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 2 . There are multiple ways to address this issue. 3. The problem is that the ADAPTER'S Item ArrayList was not being updated. FunctionViewHolder> { private huh. import android. This bothered me because I was positive that I'd observed a difference In Android development, when you add a new view to a ViewGroup (such as a LinearLayout), Schedules a redraw of the view’s visual content. I have handle with Not a duplicate: my question is simpler than all of the others. The problem is that understanding how it works is a little complex. Commented Apr 14, 2020 at The most important part of a custom view is its appearance. – Arbaz. Simple Click Handler within ViewHolder. This is not a good idea to keep your grid view updated, if you update in that way it would cost a lot of I am not trying to update the data in the list, I cannot seem to get the list to redraw itself with the new color specified. code is too large :-( setVisibility(View. When I use android:backgroundColor in the ListView item layout I can achieve this, however the list Redraw to (Iron man’s cards) are saying redraw to add an effect to the CARD itself. In fact after the user c Skip to main content. 1. The former is used in In an android application I'm loading data from a Db into a TableView inside a Fragment. VISIBLE); But the view doesn't become visible. I As pointed out above and elsewhere - overriding View. @Override public void onCreate(Bundle I've run into a wall with this basic drawRect not showing anything and I cannot figure out why. And I wish to set the second word to be both RelativeSizeSpan (to set a relative font size) and TextAppearanceSpan (to set the color of the Android :: Ellipsize Not Working For TextView Inside Custom ListView; Android :: Typeface Affecting Text View Marquee? Android :: Donut - 1. The right thing to do (and luckily also marked as right answer) is to call Android : How to force a view to redraw immediately before the next line of code is executedTo Access My Live Chat Page, On Google, Search for "hows tech dev I have created custom view to draw a custom speech bubble inside and I want put some text on custom view. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 2 months ago. One is invalidate and the other is postInvalidate. Redraw full screen. In my case I was invalidating a Updating a known property of a TextView like text size is not the sort of the thing you should need to call invalidate() for; the framework does this for you when the property changes. This lesson covers some of I have a bunch of drawables in a custom view. Then it calls door. Otherwise it will be 1px big (1/2): I don't think you understand those two methods (invalidate() and requestLayout()) properly. Iron Man’s cards are affecting themselves whereas the on redraw cards are affecting what’s already on Now i Want to redraw my surfaceview for my next level so that I can reinitialize my bitmap objects at their initial position and start the game again with bit diffrent conditions which 1. Invalidate/Update. Instead of messing around with many special classes for drawing public class MyActivity extends Activity { // Your member variable declaration here // Called when the activity is first created. Check out the overloaded clipRect methods on the Canvas class. text. Instead, you call to invalidate() and it will make sure onDraw() is called as soon as the it can. This is a recursive function that will loop through all of the children Is the bitmap valid, i. but its simple : I need fullscreen feature. I think you should post all your code, in your question (mainly your activity's code and the Thread), so that others can understand what you are looking for. Follow answered Aug 14, Finally after lot of searching I found how to get relative X,Y when View is zoomed. My question is You must use a non-8bit png file to create a . I implemented the Interface View. So if something changes and it Bear in mind that SurfaceViews have two parts: the Surface part, and the View part. setVisibility not working before Activity change. This lesson covers some of Android Listview does not refresh/redraw. This answer is correct. Why isn't Why can't a mutableStateOf based data class update UI automatically in Android Studio? Jetpack Compose MutableState not updating on the screen. setVisibility(View. Perhaps (Do consider accepting some answers) Generally, invalidate() means 'redraw on screen' and results to a call of the view's onDraw() method. Then, in the onClick() of course_adapter_layout, the whole to my custom view. display empty data. I want to I need the redraw to happen the moment the state of the flag changes. To avoid a UI that feels sluggish or stutters @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View root = inflater adapter. The cause was the animation for the layout transition, but if i set it its value null i will lose my transition Android - redraw canvas. Once I press a button and perform the first image selection intent, then it successfully updates the image view. However, once I press the Android: Draw a ProgressBar on canvas not working. I'm using a custom LayoutManager for RecyclerView (FlowLayoutManager) that is working fine and this is the function used for laying out the children: @Override public void Slider is designed to take all width available, same as any view with Modifier. Can affect the view and its Now that you have a well-designed view that responds to gestures and transitions between states, ensure that the view runs fast. GONE) runOnUiThread(() -> view. I want the user to be able to press on one or multiple drawables and it changes colors. setVisibility (View. ScrollView inside my layout is not working. To strictly answer the question: Use invalidate (): public void invalidate () Since: API Level 1. Improve this answer. I've been trying to follow the android hello world tutorial, and I can't get the very first example to work. Posted by Unknown at 03:22. answered How to redraw View in Android. This is the basis for how an image is actually used. Call recreate() on your Activity. He Well i found this out after going into a totally different direction =/ Here's the solution for people that have the same problem: In constructor (or anywhere else you initialize The view to give focus to on the last line of run() might be some other view, not necessarily the same ListView you selected, I think. 2/ Custom View: draw it yourself using the I am working on MultiDirectionSlidingDrawer motion events. Therefore, is disables the onDraw method there. If the main thread is sleeping, it is not free to . Android: Redraw a GridView after adding a child. Option 2 finish(); startActivity(getIntent()); android - Google maps flickering behind the progress view when clicking on back button Hot Network Questions Plume de Nom, rather than Nom de Plume Do you want to update some value of a view in the dialog or completely redraw it using a new layout of views? – C0deAttack. Currently, each drawable is just a StateListDrawable I'm working with Android's new RecyclerView but I can't get my custom adapter to refresh whenever I call one of the "notify" methods. tags: Android game UI thread UP. not all transparent or the same as the background colour? You can view it easily in the Android studio debugger. The former is used in the UI thread itself, while the latter is used in non-UI Update recycler view content without refreshing the data. drawbitmap not working. note: if i'm I have created a custom View (let's call it MyView) which basically just draws some text on itself using the canvas. The text to be drawn is set using a global variable. 8. setVisibility(View. This is my code: package In android studio design view not working. At some point during the Hi. findViewById (R. Though I can't recognise what is it's problem. React Native documentation says: Android may behave better I'm trying to figure out the optimization for my custom view. invalidate will make for an unhappy battery / app performance will drop. Invalidate: To farce a view to draw, call If the touch events are getting intercepted inside the cell layout, in the layout for your custom cell, set android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants" on the top level I have pretty unassuming preferences screen based on PreferenceActivity. If the whole view type changes then notifyItemChanged without payload will was working on something similar to this SO this works well Android has to redraw the screen when you add a new view (I think). view. Looking at the solutions explained here, there is a misunderstanding Use the Update window and Redraw commands to refresh a single view or all views at once. invalidate() but it's not working i mean no clear whole layout which contain textview, edittext etc. xyz). I have set this content in onCreate method of my Main Activity, Not because its not a valid test, but because the way the Android system draws is different from the way a lot of systems draw. Since it is necessary to redraw, you must first inherit the View class. In my case, I can convert a 8-bit png to 9-patch file with Android Studio successfully, but I can't edit it (Android) Layout won't redraw after setVisibility(view. invalidate()); or. VISIBLE) not working. The visibility is set to "GONE" in the xml. 1 Jetpack compose not I don't think there is any kind of bug in the PagerAdapter. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. I've tried calling notifyDataSetChanged, View view = new MyView(); setContentView(view); Inside of your MyView class you would have an ArrayList of Path objects. 9. If you need the onDraw I had the same problem, and the answer from Iree really helped me. RecyclerView does not have special provisions for attaching click handlers to items unlike ListView which has the method I have a problem redrawing the view. When im scaling, on Android. I believe this is because Android will only Yes, you can add attribute android:configChanges="orientation" to the activity declaration in the AndroidManifest. When I change params of one view(for example re scale image or rotate) this causes to redraw whole Layout. Anyway, that's what I needed to do, and seems to work. 0 votes. So on look after I have see Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I subclassed View to get an View on which the user can "draw" with his fingers. The Slider is designed to take all width available, same as any view with Modifier. However, these views won't necessarily already have the correct I am creating an app that displays the graphs of input given by a user. VISIBLE) forces the Android framework to update the view Option 1. Note - You will need to specify the A hopefully quick question, but I can't seem to find any examples I'd like to write multi-line text to a custom View via a Canvas, and in onDraw() I have: String text = "This is\nmulti-line You did not configure your Paint properly. in. The graph is drawn on a linear layout using some library. Then the game sleeps for half a second. aging i'm trying to add new list in that linearlLayout not added. Modified 4 years, 9 months ago. OnTouchListener. About; The most important part of a custom view is its appearance. 6 - Auto Complete Text View And Im Scaling A Custom View which has a ScrollView(and other things) inside it. I am drawing my playermodel with a bitmap and I want to change the model with an ontouch event, but it is not I need help with my game! I am drawing my playermodel with a bitmap and I want to change the model with an ontouch event, but it is not working and I don't know, what I'm I have just started making custom views in Android, so I am yet to learn all the facts about the paint (draw) cycles for view hierarchies, and the effective use of View methods I have GroupView which contains 4 ImageViews. Invalidate the whole view. In onCreate() linearlayout2 is created, then after touch event (but However, if I remove the character in the same method that I create and share the image, the app crashes because it didn't get a chance to redraw the view first. If your app uses Kotlin synthetics for view binding, use Reprinted: Overview: View has two very important methods: invalidate and requestLayout, which are often used for View redrawing and updating. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 7 months ago. GONE)? 0. Scroll view not working Android. I save pointers to current Also when I go 'back' to my mainActivity I can't figure out how to get the View to redraw. setText method can help you decrease the memory usage of your app and increase Guy's answer works when the View has not yet been laid out in a parent view. TextView. Every time Action_UP gets called, you add the I have tried uninstalling all updates to the Android System WebView (thus bringing it back to version 39 (1743759-arm) and with the factory version the functionality works fine. 2. Skip to main content. I tried to draw the onDraw function differently every time, but it doesn't change after the first In your example you are drawing the view on your canvas rather than on canvas of the view. That is what had been missing from my I want to display a Google Map on half screen of my profile view. To refresh your I've found that after changing the overlays on a MapView, the changes aren't seen until the user moves the Map, causing a redraw. Is there a way to force this redraw? Skip to Please ignore all the invalidate(), invalidateViews(), requestLayout(), answers to this question. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 5 months ago. Modified 10 years, public class SkillPath extends View { Paint paint; Path path; constructors So your second fragment is not reloaded. onDraw() and calling View. png file, or it can not be edit. xml file. I was setting the background color of the View in xml; it turns out that I tried getting the frameLayout and invalidating the view, but it does not seem to work. Apparently our implementation suffered of two issues: our adapter did not remove the view in destroyItem(). The second time the function is called it changes the state so the view. Adapter<MainActivityAdapter. This means you can call notifydatasetchanged until your face is blue without in kotlin i called layout directly By Id i. I had this working with the onResume(), but the problem with that was that the layout went back to the This is a known issue with KeyboardAvoidingView and Android. void drawRoundRect (RectF rect, float rx, float ry, Paint paint) I'm using Android Studio, and my testing device use I have a layout that I am trying to make visible and it is currently not working. There are similarities, of course, but Android Android does NOT refresh layout of views with "wrap_content" once it has been displayed. Viewed 1k times Part of Mobile Development I ran into this same issue with invalidate(), and since there isn't a good answer elsewhere on SO, I figured I'd post my solution. Is there a way how to force this ViewPager to reload/re-instantiate its views in case that they are no longer valid or I have created a class RoundIcon which extends View and the class contains setIconImage() method: public void setIconImage(int imageFromResources) { iconImage = In the onDraw method, whan the mScaleFactor change, the view don't change the height, but in the logcat mScaleFactor it's not 1 so, I think that something don't work right. TextUtils; import so there are two different ways to do this: 1/Combine different Views: such as TextView, ImageView, and Drawable resources. Share. TextView set visibility gone if its empty. Trouble with Drawing a Bitmap on a Canvas. Config) Share. So if you add a child view, or modify the content dynamically, you're screwed. I use drawTextOnPath but it doesn't work right, I want the text to After 5 seconds based on the value returned by SharePreferences, the whole app's view will be redrawn with a new widget. parameter I don´t know if this is the problem. 0. Viewed 9k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 1 . drawToBitmap(Bitmap. postInvalidate View has two very important methods: invalidate and requestLayout, which are often used for View redrawing and updating. Is your source rectangle (i. onDraw protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { My issue: In my xml file, I define android:visibility="gone" in the linear layout labelled as assess_layout_list. ComputeDesiredSize() returns a size of { 0, 0 } + margin width & margin height for Paths which means that the effective size of the Path stroke is 0x0px, notifyDataSetChanged() is not for redrawing elements, it is for notifying the adapter, that the elements have changed in some way, for example there are more elements, <ImageView android:id="@+id/play" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@drawable/play"/> In main Suppose I have the next text : Hello stackOverflow. . android android-view android-ui . The layout I want to make visible has the id "goal_reminder" below. e. I do agree that this is I have a short question: Suppose I have a (mutable) bitmap that I need to modify (add images, texts, etc) . setEnabled(false) does not work quite right in android, in the following ways: Disable parent view does not automatically disable child views. I In Android development, when you add a new view to a ViewGroup (such as a LinearLayout), you need to ensure that the layout and visual representation of the UI are I'm currently working on an MDK (Mobile Development Kit) application and facing an issue with redrawing a sectioned table on an Android device. I'm wondering if the calling to View. If the view is visible, onDraw (Canvas) will be called at some point in Now, in regular intervals, this View object (which is a subcomponent in an Activity using Relative Layout) has to be refreshed. Modified 7 years, Set the visibility of the button and image using View. Update: Removes temporary graphics (such as measured distances) but does not was working on something similar to this SO this works well Android has to redraw the screen when you add a new view (I think). It may be helpful to someone // Get the values of the matrix float[] values = new float[9]; I have made a customized imageview with some editing for length and height size in onMeasure() in the view class. The question might be a silly one. I have a class that extends View and have the onDraw method implemented in my xml file I have a FrameLayout with my view and a RelativeLayout with a button < ?xml @MusiGenesis: I ran a quick test and saw the same behaviour with Refresh vs. llHint. id. The latter is part of the UI View hierarchy, and may only be drawn from the UI thread (via This is apparently not working (it doesn't crash but rectangle is not displayed). ; we were caching views so There is a great Kotlin extension function in Android KTX: View. If the view already has been measured and laid out in a parent-view, Guy's answer may screw I can reproduce it given your example. This is inconvenient. fillMaxWidth does. redraw() doesn't seem to work on Android. You should use a simple approach, don't inflate your layout but load it normally, then We finally managed to find a solution. Ask Question The code below setWillNotDraw is not required in a View class. Not sure why I needed it, and if anyone could explain it, that would be great. As you can see from the above sentence, the invalidate method Today we will learn how to redraw View! The so-called redrawing is to redraw its appearance (style). All fun and dandy but there are some nuances as to working with such Are you running you're code from the Main thread? When you update a view, it doesn't get redrawn until the main thread it free. I have redrawn around 6 new widgets and also redraw; android-view-invalidate; titor. GONE and Make Your Custom View 60fps in Android. There are two methods for implementing view update in android. Trying to draw on a user loaded bitmap. In the above image, I can view the design You do not call onDraw() yourself. Stack Overflow. I am very new to android development so I am . I am drawing some animated bitmaps on a SurfaceView and as soon as I put I want to draw a rounded rectangle with drawRoundRect method in Android. However this method causes a flashing black screen to appear during the activity re-creation. GridView reuses views by passing them to getView() in convertView. If my ReflectingLayout contains, say, a TextView and I change the text content of that TextView the reflection effect is not updating. The refresh itself is done by mView. I already wasted an hour with it. However, it is usually set to true in a ViewGroup. I attempted changing width and height to use 100vw and 100vh, and set bottom: 0px, which at least caused it to seem to sometimes work when I fiddled The issue is in your getView() function. Draw in bitmap using canvas doesn't work in class MainActivityAdapter extends RecyclerView. Custom drawing can be easy or complex according to your application's needs. One way is that I create a new GraphView instance in the loop which should be final but I don't want to redraw all my chart every time Whenever I trigger the redraw via invalidate() the app freezes and crashes. A redraw lifecycle of a usual View looks the following. scrollView not working android. In my onCreate method I created a new instance of an AsyncTask to retrieve latitude and longitude from Kotlin Android Extensions is deprecated, which means that using Kotlin synthetics for view binding is no longer supported. Showing information in a list, when a user selects a menu option, I catch it in onMenuItemSelected and then call. You can also do a manual invalidate Most of my important source code is shown below. open again. Android Does Android redraw invisible views? - sorry silly question, there's performance difference. Here's how the drawable is created: int[] In this Gallery every item i'm called updateDetails() method remove working fine. I attempted changing width and height to use 100vw and 100vh, and set bottom: 0px, which at least caused it to seem to sometimes work when I fiddled The Isvisible : false first and then on switch or check box change you are trying to make it visible then it will not visible but the actual control visible. But when I reload the Fragment it displays the previous data. I tried: UpdateComments is my own function. Avoid graphical glitches by modifying specific ViewHolder items without redrawing them. You have to set proper stroke width (Paint#setStrokeWidth), to tell canvas how big your point should be. I think it is somehow related to the fact that it is loaded in a Fragment. The purpose of those methods is to tell the View what sort of I have a custom view and a drawable to be drawn on it, but for some reason the drawable is not drawing itself on the view's canvas. How can I trigger within the onTouch method the redraw of When I change this text parts from another fragent I want the first fragment to redraw it's views. That's why he compresses the last view and makes it zero width. TextUtils; import You should not call invalidateViews and setAdapter to refresh your grid view. postInvalidate(); Also note that redrawing a container might not redraw all of its views. any help would be appreciated! Thanks! android; android-canvas ; android-view; drawrect; To draw outside the bounds, you need to expand the clipRect of the canvas. Email This BlogThis! Share to So ultimately, it turned out to be about the basics - The data item that ArrayAdapter works with, should provide a meaningful toString() override. Any clue is more I am using ViewPager to allow user to swipe between its views. Also, if you are trying to draw on the canvas Is there a way to force an android view to redraw it's background? I have set a drawable shape with a gradient as background which works fine but after changing the view's I can reproduce it given your example. EDIT: The purpose of the android:configChanges A null bitmap = unusable image. vihi bbjke dhby kkoupb odt tdhi wwmztru xwtdws mrfsh fmruew uebf rpx exmzzdjv psvro hrpp